Friday, January 24, 2020
The Herb Garden :: Internet Chat Rooms Communication Essays
The Herb Garden The Internet until recently has not been something I am overly familiar with. It has only been in the last year that I have really been using a computer for much beyond word processing, and email. The Internet and its online communities, are a completely new experience for me, and quite a foreign one at that. During this past semester, I have found myself needing to look up all sorts of different information, and the Internet has been a primary source for that information. Since I have AOL, I attempted to get used to my computer and how the Internet works, by spending time in the AOL chat areas. The chat rooms that I have encountered with AOL, have pretty much been social environments. The people in these rooms are primarily trying to meet other people, on a personal level. The majority of chat rooms do not really contain people talking about anything different then they would in a bar. These chat rooms did however give me a quick lesson on how chat rooms worked, and I quickly figured out how to keep up with the conversations taking place. There is however and exception to the bar atmosphere. When my dog was ill I went into the dog chat room on AOL. All of the people in this room were true dog lovers, and extremely helpful. They seemed really concerned not only about my problem but there was also a person whose dog had been stolen. Every person in the room offered her sympathy and advice. One of the people I met even emailed me several days later to check up on my dog. So you can find help in some of the AOL chat rooms. I had much the same experience when I went to check out the Buffy The Vampire Slayer web page. I am a big Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan, and have gone to that web site many times. There is a posting board and a chat room attached to the site, which I was very excited about. I thought that since I was a Buffy fan, I would fit right in and have a lot to talk about. Unfortunately the people on the posting board and in the chat rooms seem to have formed special bonds. They were not overly friendly, nor did they really want to talk to me. After several frustrating attempts to join in, a member Angle3 finally told me that you have to post everyday, numerous times a day, before the other people will let you into their group.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Media’s Influence on Civil Rights Movement Essay
â€Å"The brutality with which official would have quelled the black individual became impotent when it could not be pursued with stealth and remain unobserved. It was caughtâ€â€as a fugitive from a penitentiary is often caughtâ€â€in gigantic circling spotlights. It was imprisoned in a luminous glare revealing the naked truth to the whole world†– Martin Luther King (8, Kasher) The media controls the way the public views a controversial event. It can create the illusion that everything is perfect by leaving out important information, or can reveal the deplorable truth as the media did during the Civil Rights Movement. It was not always that way though, during the Colonial Era the media glossed over the brutality African Americans faced. It was not until the photography and recorders were invented that the media could really no longer deny the awful reality of the African Americans’ lives. With the Civil Rights Movement as an example, the media has evolved into a more reliable source. As history goes on, African Americans are being reported on more truthfully; the media has evolved into a more objective source containing more factual information. During 1700s, blacks were dehumanized and treated as animals; they cooked, gathered and did anything their master ordered. When they finally took a stance and decided to revolt they were lynched. Yet, in the eyes of the media whites were the heroes. Instead of reporting on the revolts with objectivity, the reporters commonly asserted their opinions into the articles, â€Å"In the past white news media ignored positive images of African American life†(10, Kasher). No matter what the incident was the â€Å"white man†always was superior. Through the media’s perspective, the whites were harmless and superior to the blacks. In an article from the Colonial Era when the slave revolts occurred the slaves were portrayed to be villains. The article stated, â€Å"They conspired to murder all the Christians here and by that means thinking to obtain their Freedom†¦ [They] put their bloody design in Execution and setting fire to a House, they stood prepared with Arms to kill everybody that approach’d to put it out and accordingly barbarously murdered the following persons that were running to the fire†¦This has put us into no small Consternation the whole Town being under Arms†(Boston News Letter, April 14, 1712). Besides objectivity, the article failed to inform the public of the brutalities the slaves faced everyday. Never did the article state what happened to the slaves after the incident either. However, when slavery was abolished the black man was not always viewed as the villain. Nonetheless they were definitely not treated equally compared to whites, which fueled their fight for equal rights. Without the media, the Civil Rights Movement would have never been successful. The pictures and videos of the violence the blacks tolerated from white supremacists helped their cause because the photos and videos were undeniable. No longer were the black people viewed as villains. â€Å"Scenes unthinkable to Americans as American were shown to America and all the world. Public Sympathy and financial support, as well as political backing, flowed to movement organizations†(8 Kasher). The Emmett Till Case was an amazing example of this, the Jet and Chicago Defender (both leading periodicals), reported on the story. The papers both included a picture of his swollen face as the aftermath of his horrific death. His case would transform the minds of many during that decade. From the attention the pictures of Emmett Till caused, the media recognized that shocking pictures made people want to read the articles. Also, the newspapers could not produce fake pictures, which forced them to be more truthful in their stories (Kasher 8). Currently, racism is still an issue in the United States but the press has helped bring awareness to the issue. For example, there are multiple blogs on how the world is still segregated even though there are no laws to support it. With the rise Internet, anyone is able to blog about their opinion on something or bring attention to a problem that is not being covered in the media. According to the book Blog! by David Kline and Dan Burstein, the average writer is over forty, which means there is not a lot of new and fresh ideas brought to the table for newspapers and magazines (373 Kline and Burstein). However, with the new and upcoming trend of blogging there are a variety of opinions and ideas. Also, social networking has enabled people to communicate faster and it’s harder for the government or press to hide certain information from the public in order for our countries reputation to be protected. In respect to racism and how the media reports on it, our country still has a long way to go but has come far. There are still the inevitable reports about African Americans being in gangs and shootings; however there are also stories of African Americans doing amazing things like becoming president. As the press learned during the Civil Rights Movement, people react more to shocking news so that’s probably why there is so many negative events that are broadcasted over the television and newspapers. The Internet has enabled the press to have more accurate and timely stories. The media has evolved into a more reliable source especially compared to Colonial Era. Also with all activity on the Internet the press is no longer the only source of information that the public can receive. That forces the media to be more truthful and value their reader’s trust.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Types Of Anxiety Related Disorders - 932 Words
The psychological disorder, anxiety, is one of the most common psychological disorders. Anxiety is â€Å"an emotional state of uneasiness or distress associated with worry or apprehension about the future†(Nevid, 2015, p. 494). Everyone deals with stress and worry in their every day lives, but individuals with anxiety-related disorders have an extreme amount of stress and worry to the point of the inability to function. This anxiety interferes with their personal and social lives and inhibits them to live life fully. There are several types of anxiety-related disorders that people experience in their daily lives. These disorders are phobias, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Phobias â€Å"are irrational or excessive fears of particular objects or situations†(Nevid, 2015, p. 494). People may have extreme fears of certain situations or objects such as spiders or nighttime. Their fears can interfere with their thinking and h ow they act. They may live in constant fear of the certain object or situation. Another phobia is social anxiety, where one is afraid of social situations and people. This fear can limit the individual to whom they interact with and what places they go. Ones with panic disorder â€Å"experience sudden episodes of sheer terror called panic attacks†(Nevid, 2015, p. 495). These panic attacks can cause a various amount of symptoms such as trembling, nausea, hyperventilating, and pounding of the heart. The symptoms can causeShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder892 Words  | 4 PagesPsychology Fall, 2016, Worksheet One 1. Define generalized anxiety disorder, and discuss how it differs from panic attacks, and from specific phobias. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety and a feeling of being out of control. In addition, individuals with this disorder often experience a lack of concentration, disturbances in sleep, restlessness, and irritability. 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