Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay on The Death Of Liberal America - 1652 Words
Americans seem to have lost any sense whatsoever of what liberalism means and what it strives to insure. Liberals have insisted that tyranny can only be combated by the multiplication and fragmentation of power. A free society is one in which there are various centers of power, various positions from which people have the ability to influence decisions. That’s the whole point behind creating three branches of government, the vaunted â€Å"separation of powers.†Liberalism aims to insure peace and prevent tyranny in pluralistic societies. Liberalism strives to place lots of individual actions outside the pale of politics and beyond interference from the state or other powers. And, culturally, it strives to promote tolerance, where tolerance is,†¦show more content†¦Democracy has it benefits, with the most obvious being peace. The most important corollary benefit is that the opposition party plays a key role in keeping the party in power honest. It is obviously i n the opposition party’s interest to keep the public informed about the missteps and misdeeds of the administration party. The opposition party is as crucial to ongoing publicity as a free press. And publicity is a crucial safeguard (not the only one, but a crucial one) against governmental abuse of power. Democracy, in short, prevents one party rule. So what’s the problem in 2005? Up until now American democracy has been remarkably stable with the notable exceptions of the Civil War and the Civil Rights conflicts. But now, the Republicans have launched a full-scale assault upon democracy at home. This assault is about grabbing and using power, and it also reflects an impoverished view of democracy - basically one that limits democracy to free elections. The understanding of democracy tends toward the plebiscite and toward the establishment of a strong leader, usually one who promises to sweep aside the complexities, compromises, frustrations, and inefficiencies introduced by parliamentary janglings and an independent judiciary. The plebiscite has almost always favored right wing leaders impatient with legal and institutional impediments to forceful action. In other words the plebiscite is perfect for establishing the tyranny of the majority. By emphasizing a direct, evenShow MoreRelatedThe Fight For Freedom And Equality904 Words  | 4 Pageshave three extremely hot topics regarding race relations in The United States of America. These three events are the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and the recent passing of Freddie Gray. These three deaths, all involving death by police officer, have sparked controversy and protest all across the country with people pleading for equality. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management
The Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management Since the age of exploration and colonization, people of the world have been travelling and spreading their culture, religion, knowledge and resources throughout the world. This vast exchange causes globalization. In recent decades, the effect of globalization on economy, politics and society within individual countries has increased exponentially. Most notably, the system of trade between countries through import and export has significantly affected the standard of living, economy growth and general availability and affordability of products and services previously thought of as rare or luxurious. Globalization also affects the mix of people within a country due to foreign direct investment that provides the avenue for a foreign company to set up branches internationally. These branches are then staffed with host country nationals (HCN), parent country nationals (PCN), third country nationals (TCN) or a mix of the three. This affects how human resource management recruits, trains and pays their employees as each individual’s status is taken into account. Other aspects of human resources that are affected by globalization are forecasting due to the uncertainty of an international market; retention of staff as casualization of the workforce increases and contracting becomes the norm; policy consistency globally as well as several culture and cost related issue brought on by expatriation and outsourcing of the laborShow MoreRelatedImpact of Globalization on Human Resource Management4652 Words  | 19 PagesImpact of Globalization on Human Resource Management Bhushan Kapoor, Professor and Chair, Information Systems Decision Sciences, Cal State University, Fullerton, USA ABSTRACT The roles and responsibilities of Human Resources departments are transforming as the modern business faces pressures of globalization. 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Introduction The field of Human Resource is one of the most challenging and dynamic areas for European managers. â€Å"Human Resource Management is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers†. Humane Resource professionals can make the difference between success and failure in anRead MoreHR Roles and Responsibilities Paper 997 Words  | 4 Pages Human resource management is described as the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees behavior, attitudes, and performance.(Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhert, B., Wright, P. (2003). Fundamentals of human resource management, 1e. McGraw-Hill Companies.) The human resource department is essential to the progress of an organization. When a company is equipped with a good human resource department it will tend to grow and prosper. The
Saturday, December 14, 2019
8 1/2 Federico Fellini Free Essays
8 ? Federico Fellini Film 8 ? by Italian director Federico Fellini was one of the most influential film of the post-war 1960? s. Nevertheless, this film is an Italian comedy which was based on Guido Anselmi a famous Italian film director. Guido Anselmi has a mental block when it comes to his film, (â€Å"director‘s block†) and struggles with his flash backs, dreams, and reality. We will write a custom essay sample on 8 1/2 Federico Fellini or any similar topic only for you Order Now Guido desperately tries to find an inspiration to help him finish his film. However, with the wife, mistress, and friend’s pressure it becomes much harder for Guido to focus on his film production. This film was shot in black and white and yet of the depletion of technology and the un-discovery of color, Fellini still as a filmmaking director portrays the amusing and perplexing shots and scenes from the film in an engrossing way. Federico Fellini who directed the film gave the audience a new perspective of filmmaking and techniques. Fellini used several film techniques, but these two techniques stood out. Mise-en-scene and camerawork which both helped make this film one of the best of its time. On the other hand, Fellini was also one of the many film directors who used reflexivity, which means he created awareness of itself as a process as well as a process. This gave the film and audience an impression of what and how Federico Fellini works on his films. The audience can in a way get into Fellini’s mind and try to understand what it is that he is thinking or struggling with. Federico Fellini made 8 ? in a non-chronological way, which means that the film has no shot order. Guido’s dreams and reality intertwined throughout the entire film. This throws the audience off track but Guido’s on and off dream, memory and reality shot’s in the end come to making sense. Fellini used mise-en-scene for 8 ?. Mise-en-scene is a French term which means â€Å"what is put into the scene/frame†. Fellini knows the importance of lighting, background, and location. This is what makes the audience more aware and also helps understand what is happening throughout the film. For example, in one of the scenes, Fellini shows Guido speaking to his father and the camera angles shows his father standing in the foreground. This makes Guido’s father look smaller in the background. This is a very good example of mise-en-scene because it’s defined as the articulation of cinematic space. In this film Fellini took very good advantage of the frame. His way of placing characters is quite fascinating he almost places them like if they’d been on a stage while filmmaking. Camerawork was the second of many techniques that Federico Fellini used for the production of 8 ?. The way Fellini used the camera to show close ups, long shots, images, frame within a frame, and montage were very eye catching to the audience. One example would be, the scene where Guido remembers when he was younger and how he was wrapped with sheets. Then suddenly he starts to fantasize that all the women who live in the house with him, where carrying him. Fellini focused on that specific scene where Guido? s face is far beyond noticeable on the camera and the viewer can clearly see his face expressions. The audience can almost feel as if they where there with Guido in that same house. Another good example of Fellini’s great camerawork would be the scene where Guido is in some sort of sauna with many men and women, and the audience can clearly see Guido’s facial expressions when he sees the woman in some sort of bath robe walking to her side of the women? sauna. Guido rapidly, gets distracted and the viewers are able to see the close up on Guido’s face. Following the scene where Guido is called to speak to his eminence, the camera deep focus on the window that is opening and vapor is coming out. Guido’s eminence is being bathed by his helpers. Fellini really embraced the fact that Guido is very religio us since he was very young. Despite his crazy fantasies, and memories, he still seeks for his eminence to obtain permission to do his film. However, the camera work is not the only technique that makes this film special. The shadows, dark lighting and the use of location are also, very important in 8 ?. Federico Fellini made the audience more aware of what was happening throughout the film. Location is where the moviegoers can connect with the film. To conclude Federico Fellini’s film 8 ? was very amusing despite the confusion it caused through the film. The audience struggles to see if it’s reality that is happening in Guido’s life or if it’s just another of his dreams. Now, Guido would dream and fantasize because that was a way for him to cope with his lost inspiration. ? was not only the greatest film during the post- war era, but it also influenced the making of a play, and musical named â€Å"Nine†(1980) which was a revival of the Fellini’s film 8 ?. Nevertheless, film director Federico Fellini and this film itself have made me understand much more of the various types of cinematography and filmmaking techniques there is. However, the film was confusing the surrealism of the film and Guido? s flashbacks, fantasies, and reality made Fellini? s film 8 ? quite an adventure to have seen. How to cite 8 1/2 Federico Fellini, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Role of Entrepreneurial Team And Leadership - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Role of Entrepreneurial Team And Leadership. Answer: Introduction Background of the research In the present day, enterprises are being developed at a rapid pace thus instigating the rapid change in the business environment. Every business organisation needs to manage teams by using proper leadership skills in order to gain success in the competitive market (Yang and Aldrich 2014). The entrepreneurial team refers to the interest of more than two people for the common good of an organisation. The mutual interest of the people rests on the financial stability of the organisation and focuses on the growth of the enterprise in a successful manner. Entrepreneurial leadership, on the other hand, refers to organising a group of people in order to attain a common goal by taking risks and making innovations in order to convert the threats into opportunities (Renz 2016). These people take the entire responsibility for an organisation and manage the changes keeping in mind the dynamic environment that may be beneficial for an organisation. The research analyses the concept of entreprene urial teams and leadership in business context. Research objectives The research objectives include: To understand the concept of entrepreneurial teams To understand the concept of entrepreneurial leadership To provide recommendation regarding the ways to adopt such techniques effectively Research questions Based on the research objectives, the research questions can also be formed: What is an entrepreneurial team? What is entrepreneurial leadership? What recommendations can be provided to adopt these techniques effectively? Research aim The aim of the research is to understand the entrepreneurial teams and entrepreneurial leadership determinants and styles that can be adopted by an organisation. A proper recommendation is also provided in order to improve the concepts and apply it in an effective manner in an organisation. Entrepreneurial teams According to Discua Cruz, Howorth and Hamilton (2013), the concept of entrepreneurial teams have brought about various discussions and debates. Most people feel that entrepreneurial teams cannot be defined due to the dual interest of the managers. As stated earlier, the interests of more than two people can be considered as an entrepreneurial team if the people aim at helping the cause of the organisation. Breugst, Patzelt and Rathgeber (2015) added to this by stating that the interests need not be defined based only on the profitability of the organisations. The future of the organisations along with its growth also needs to be of major interest for the managers. The interdependency of the work of both the people needs to define the entrepreneurial team. This needs to be done by leading the organisation with purpose. The interests of the people forming the entrepreneurial teams are such that the vision and mission of the organisations need to be stated on a regular basis. In this regard, the ways to manage entrepreneurial teams with success can be analysed. According to Aven and Hillmann (2017), managers need to be good listeners if they are to be engaged in entrepreneurial teams. An organisation can gain benefit from the wisdom and experience of the managers in moving forward with the intent of gaining success. This skill of listening is one of the most important factors that managers need to adopt in order to ensure that the problems of the employees are addressed. Apart from this, Katzenbach and Smith (2015) opined that the method needed for innovation is to be learned in order to gain a competitive advantage. This is also an important factor as in the modern world, the innovation of technologies and the uniqueness of the product are the main factors that contribute to organisational success. Determinants of entrepreneurial team performance The performance of the entrepreneurial teams needs to be determined by the factors that affect the working of a business. These factors include the external factors as well as the internal factors. As stated by Howard, Turban and Hurley (2016) the external factors have a direct influence on the performance of the entrepreneurial teams. This is because the present and the founding environments are different from one another. The fluctuation in the political, economic and environmental factors affects the decisions of an organisation. Hence, the vision of the managers along with the objectives needs to be changed. Katzenbach and Smith (2015) countered that a growing market provides a combination of the size of the current market and the fast increase in the demand for goods and services that have been countered by it. The idea of venturing in foreign lands is also influenced by the external environment. According to Bradley et al. (2013), the team composition also affects the performance of the entrepreneurial teams. This is because the talents and skills of the teams are important factors that need to be considered while forming a team. The characteristics, thoughts and mentality of the members need to be considered while forming such entrepreneurial teams. In order to be successful as team individual differences need to be put aside so that the focus can be on the development and success of the organisation (De Jong, Dirks and Gillespie 2016). It has also been seen that the entrepreneurs that have family ventures are more likely to fail. This is because the thought process of the previous years is different from that of the modern world. Hence, it is necessary that these factors be identified in order to understand the effects it has on the entrepreneurial teams. It is the duty of the managers and leaders to ensure that such factors do not contribute to the ill effects in an organ isation. Entrepreneurial leadership Bolman and Deal (2017) stated that entrepreneurial leadership could be defined as a way to encourage and motivate people to achieve a common goal. The leaders tend to use certain behaviours that can be defined in order to understand the risk involved in taking a venture. Every leader needs to take opportunities that can be used to create tactics regarding the successful tenure of the enterprises. It is necessary for the leaders to take personal responsibility as the people involved in the teams need to be guided by providing an example from the front. The management of change is required in order to address the employees in a dynamic environment. Northouse (2015) countered that such entrepreneurial leadership helps in the cultivation of entrepreneurial people thatcan be beneficial to the organisation. The value of the people can be created so that they perform effectively in the organisation. Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2013) opined that entrepreneurial leadership adopts leadership practices that help to develop employees into future leaders. The entrepreneurial leaders provide the fact that the employees need to understand the meaning of responsibility. The employees are provided with an opportunity to self-generate. This is done by ensuring that the employees get enough opportunities to demonstrate their skills and identify the best practice that can be analysed for gaining leadership skills. Fairhurst and Connaughton (2014) argued that the entrepreneurial leadership uses the skills that are associated with the employees. It has also been stated that the entrepreneurial leaders work with a formal structure but use approaches that are familiar with an entrepreneurial context. The different types of leadership can be applied based on the types of employees and the mode of business that is conducted (Long 2017). The entrepreneurial leaders need to progress with a conceptu al context in order to gain a proper insight into the team. Leadership styles Antonakis and Day (2017) opined that the various styles of leadership applied in an organisation depend upon the manner in which the employees conduct their work. In this regard, two broad leadership styles can be identified that defines the mode of leadership in an organisation. One such leadership style is the democratic style. This style of leadership encourages the involvement of the group members and the employees in decision-making activity. The lenient nature provided to the employees encourages them to be friendlier with the employers and provide full efficiency in the job. This is beneficial for the organisations as the employees and the employer get to interact with each other on a continuous basis. It can be countered that this leadership style helps employees to develop as a leader in a better manner (Daft 2014). The consultation with the group can help the leaders to make a decision that can benefit the organisation as a whole. This can also help to bring about a transfo rmation in the organisation. The other form of leadership style is the autocratic leadership style. According to Romager et al. (2017), this is completely opposite to the democratic style. In this case, the leaders hold full authority over the employees. The employees in an organisation are not consulted as the leaders believe that the opinion provided by the employees cannot be taken into consideration. This leadership style follows a dictatorship that controls the working of the employees (Du et al. 2013). Based on the transformational theoretical approach of leadership it can be said that this type of leadership provides strong motivation for the leaders but not among the employees. The employees feel left out in the organisation and subsequently the productivity lowers. However, the positive side to this leadership style is the fact that quick decisions can be made that can help in the development of an organisation. The sharing of the decisions with the employees is done only in situations that permit the i nterests of the leaders. Conceptual framework Figure 1: Conceptual framework (Source: Created by author) Methodology Method of research The research method for the completion of the research is the secondary method. This is mainly because of the fact that the internet, books, journals and articles can provide valuable insights in to the topic. The fact that the research objectives and questions were aimed at understanding the concept in broader manner. Hence, the use of secondary analysis can help in achieving the desired results. The biggest advantage that secondary sources provide is the fact that various topics can be analysed from various sources (Ploug and Holm 2015). Data collection method In order to conduct a primary data analysis, the requirement is to collect samples and feedbacks from the employees and interviewing the managers. However, the present research is based on the analysis of the secondary sources of data. Hence, the data needs to be collected by analysing various books, journals and articles. These resources for collecting data need to be based on the analysis of various books and journals that have been published by reputed scholars. Visiting the websites of the organisations also may help in gathering relevant information about the topic. Data analysis method For the purpose of the research, the method used for analysing the data is qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis is the use of subjective judgements for analysing a particular topic (Silverman 2016). It is also used to understand the trends that exist in the thoughts and opinions of the people involved with the topic. A close understanding of the concept of the research can be undertaken in order to complete the data. Moreover, it provides a more flexible structure as the method of collecting the data can be changed easily. Predictions can be made regarding the possible outcome of the result. Findings After the analysis of the literature review, it can be said that the entrepreneurial teams and entrepreneurial leadership is important in order to encourage the members of an organisation. The entrepreneurial teams need to focus on the characteristics of the people and ensure that the dynamics within the team are maintained. It has been seen that the problem solving and decision-making expertise of the team members may be beneficial for an organisation. In order to understand the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial teams, it is seen that power and politics are considered as a subsection of the teams. The manner in which these teams are built shades light on the fact that the heterogeneous mixture of the team members can be considered as an option for the success of an organisation. However, it needs to be considered that the teams are led in a proper manner. Proper leadership within organisations can be beneficial for the development of the team. The types of leadership that exists provides for a better understanding of the situation in the organisation. The leadership styles vary in every organisation depending upon the type of employees and the job done by them. Both the major leadership styles have their own advantages and disadvantages that help in maintaining the balance during its application in the organisational context. The fact that the teams are depended upon the leadership guides is one area that managers need to focus upon. It has also been seen that the motivation of the managers is equally important as the motivation of the employees. Thus, it is important for the members of an organisation to work together in order to maintain stability in the workplace. Research limitations and biases Research limitations Despite the successful completion of the research, certain limitations existed that need to be rectified in the future. One such limitation is the fact that the cost of purchasing the books related to the topic was expensive. It was difficult as a student to manage the purchase of books. The unreliable internet connection was also another limitation as the access to the books and journals were not done smoothly. Moreover, certain sites were restricted such as the organisational websites due to the fear of being hacked by the competitors. Hence, searching for information in these sites was difficult. Research biases The biases towards conducting the research considered the ethical use of the data collected. The data collected from the secondary sources were to be used for only one purpose. Any deviation from this purpose could have resulted in an unethical conduct. There were no discrimination between any culture, colour or religion while collecting the data. No comments were made or predictions were drawn that could have highlighted any biases towards any organisations. The language used was also professional so that people cannot get offended by reading the research. Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that in order to maintain a successful organisation the application of entrepreneurial team as well proper entrepreneurial leadership is necessary. The manner in which these concepts are interlinked can be helpful to identify the success in an organisation. Every organisation need to analyse the importance of the teams and the role of leaders in order to make an effective analysis of the teams. In this regard, certain recommendations can be made in order to ensure that organisations applying these techniques can gain guaranteed success. Recommendation One such recommendation that can be provided to organisations is the fact that the employees need to be given the opportunity to provide decisions regarding any activity in the organisations. This can help in motivating the employees and gain good productivity for the organisations. Another recommendation that can be stated is the fact that the coordination between the team members needs to be identified at the initial stage. This can help in the proper understanding of the skills of the employees and ensure that the employees are provided with the specific task that can help them in utilising their talents. Reference Antonakis, J. and Day, D.V. eds., 2017.The nature of leadership. Sage publications. Aven, B. and Hillmann, H., 2017. Structural Role Complementarity in Entrepreneurial Teams.Management Science. Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017.Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley Sons. 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